Arhivi Kategorije: Tuja scena

Villanelle adores evergreens, doesn’t like pop and rock

Famous French pianist Richard Clayderman has a new piano company since last year. The romantic prince, as he was named because of his magic fingers on the piano keys by former American First Lady Nancy Reagan, is listened during his rehearsals by his pet Villanelle. The one-and-a-half-year-old velvet beauty of the Rag doll breed almost always sneaks along to listen the sounds of piano keys. “Sometimes she’s even on the piano, on the keyboard, or on the music stand. I don’t know what other cats are like in terms of music, but mine obviously adores it. Maybe it calms her down, relaxes her or she just likes the sound of the piano keys. She loves evergreens, but obviously she doesn’t like pop and rock, ”says Clayderman exclusively for
Villanelle is Clayderman’s first cat. His mother, however, always had cats, and apparently he inherited a love for these animals, but Villanelle is the first cat he owns. Since he and his wife live in Paris again, he thinks that it is not the most suitable place for a dog there. They live in an apartment with a beautiful view of the city and the Eiffel Tower and for a dog they believe is not the best environment. Dogs and cats are his favorite animals. “My wife persuaded me to decide to have a cat. Now I don’t regret it at all. I used to have dogs, but there were no problems with the change,” he says.

A cat fan of the piano is a completely domestic cat. She has more than enough living space, as the apartment is large and she can take good walks during her wanderings. “At first, I also thought that, like some other pet owners, I would take her somewhere on a leash, but she doesn’t like it, so we gave it up right away,” he says. The Claydermans often play with Villanelle, preferring to throw balls and plush mice. She also loves the so-called cat climbing tree, which also has a bed. If she doesn’t like a leash, she likes to cuddle on Clayderman’s knees or in his lap and spend the night in couple’s bed. Otherwise, she chose a maestro as her own. Judging by the behavior, she prefers to be with him. She is very friendly in terms of importance and loves to nurture. She always hides the claws and does not scratch. The Claydermans take care of the cat themselves completely. If there is a situation that will be necessary, they will hire a cat babysitter.

“Even though she has her own basket, she’s happiest in our bed. God thank we have a big bed, haha! She likes to stretch as long and as far as she can,” he says. In the apartment Villanelle has access to all rooms as it is a clean cat and also does no damage. Last year, due to the situation and Covid, the Claydermans didn’t go on holiday, but spent time in Paris. This year, however, it promises to be different. They are planning holidays at Saint Mallo, by the sea. This will also be the first holiday for Villanelle. She’ll go with them, too. The holiday will be a test for everyone, for the Claydermans and for the cat. It will take a few hours by car and accommodation in a residential hotel must be arranged. Namely, to make the first trip and temporarily move Villanella to a new environment, making them want the best that can be provided in avoiding any inconvenience.

Photos: Richard Clayderman personal collection

Placido Domingo became an honorary ambassador in his hometown

Spanish opera star Placido Domingo has received a number of different accolades and awards around the world in his fifty-year career. One of the honorary ones was awarded to him in his hometown these days. He became the honorary ambassador of the Association for the Dissemination and Promotion of the Spanish World Heritage ADIPROPE. The president of the association Ignacio Buqueras y Bach presented him a plaque and a copy of the book Cultural, Natural and Intangible World Heritage of Spain. Although it could be said that the tenor, conductor and artistic director of some opera houses is accustomed to awards and recognitions, his response to the awarding of the title of Honorary Ambassador was noticeably emotional.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, friends. To receive the title of Honorary Ambassador of Spain’s World Heritage from Adiprope and its president Don Ignacio Buqueras y Bach, in my Madrid, in this Teatro Real, which is so dear to me and to which so many experiences unite me, is something for which I am grateful with tremendous emotion and with a deep sense of responsibility. I would especially like to stress and appreciate the importance of your Association. Spain possesses a cultural, natural and intangible heritage of incalculable value. We are the third country with the most properties declared by UNESCO as World Heritage. Throughout my life and my career I have always been proud to try to make known – especially through our music – beyond our borders the beauty, sensitivity, integrity and character of Spain. Your promotion, help in the conservation and dissemination of our Heritage are an example of nobility, service and exemplary will. The honor you have bestowed on me today will always be with me and will encourage me to spread the treasures of our land with even greater strength, wherever my career and my life may take me. Thank you very much« he said in a speech. The Maestro was touched because of the reception of the audience and participants of the event.

Domingo, who still performs a lot despite his stage Abraham, will also perform in Slovenia on Thursday, 8th July again. At the 69th Ljubljana Festival he will sing to Slovenian audiences at a concert of his favorite operettas. With guests, sopranos Sabina Cvilak and Saioa Hernandez, they will perform a selection of compositions by Verdi, Puccini, Giordano and Thomas and the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra will be conducted by maestro Jordi Bernàcer.

Domingo has a dark, dramatic voice with a large vocal range. He has performed in more than 140 different opera roles. They also achieved world fame together with Jose Carreras and the late Luciano Pavarotti as the Three Tenors. He has also performed successfully as an opera conductor for the past twenty years and has also been the artistic director of opera houses in Washington and Los Angeles. In the last decade, interestingly, he has mainly performed in baritone roles. In Slovenia, he performed for the first time in January 2018 in Arena Stožice.

Photos: PD Management

Piano, TV and cat the best way against corona

He is one of the most famous pianists in the world, perhaps even the most famous, with career lasting more than five decades. Romantic prince, as his nickname is, is legendary performer with audience all over the globe. But Covid partly changed Richard Clayderman’s life too.  Not in complete because he would never allow it, but anyway. What he’s doing during this period, what his life is like and some other things he told in exclusive interview for

What are you doing during the COVID-19 pandemic?
The first confinement started a year ago and we could not imagine that it would last more than 1 or 2 months. But over one year later we are still confined or semi-confined. We were able to go shopping and for walks in parks, but for no more than one hour. And sometimes it was not possible to leave Paris. I owe everything to the music and for the past 50 years I have been permanently on the road, either in France or around the world and this is the first time that I have been confined this way. Lucky I am that I could practise my piano every day for hours and hours and I could practise my scales with great pleasure. Like most people around the world I watched a lot of TV and too often the programmes on the news channels discussed the coronavirus, the situation in hospitals, future vaccines and there were plenty of doctors and professors talking about Covid. I was lucky to have my piano so I wasn’t too stressed and I had time to relax. I was able to watch movies that I hadn’t been able to watch. I watched some shows on Netflix and listened to some CDs that I never had time to listen to. So, for some time it was quite profitable for me to be confined because I was able to do things that my schedule would otherwise not give me the opportunity to do. I also devoted a lot of time to reading. I enjoy reading biographies of famous musicians, actors, singers, TV presenters and I read a lot of those, much to my pleasure. I have a cross-trainer at my apartment so that gives me the opportunity to work-out and to exercise to stay in good physical condition. From time to time, I was recording some videos for my English or Chinese websites and I did some interviews by video. When we were permitted to go outside Paris, I visited my mother at her retirement home which is about 100 km outside of Paris. So, as often as possible, I visited my mother, which is usually quite difficult for me because I am so busy, so I was happy to be able to talk with her and visit her. I remember about six months ago I was requested by my contacts in China to visit the Zoo de Beauval which is wonderful. My contacts in China wanted me to try to take advantage of visiting the Zoo de Beauval to take some photos with the pandas. In fact the French First Lady had welcomed these two pandas who were sent by China to live in Zoo de Beauval. My Chinese contacts wanted me to take photos with the pandas because pandas are so revered in China. But on this day it was not possible, because the pandas decided to hide themselves away. But I had the opportunity to visit Zoo de Beauval and I recommend it to anyone if they have an opportunity to visit France.

What about concerts and tours? What is the situation?
When the confinement started, my concert schedule was tight. I had plenty of concerts that were due to be performed in 2020, and even now for 2021. Most shows won’t be performed until the third or fourth quarter of 2021 and hopefully many concerts will be performed in 2022. I am of course very much looking forward to performing on stage again. I realised that since I was 20, I have been on the road permanently. I realised that I had not been in France for more than 3 weeks in a row, and this is the first time that I have spent one year in the same country.

Have you created any new material?
Of course I had time to work on plenty of new material that I wish to perform at my future concerts, in particular, a medley of very famous film themes, such as Superman, Gladiator, Out of Africa, Jurassic Park and many others, and I was also working on semi-classical titles, such as a lovely theme by Tchaikovsky called Waltz of the Flowers, which is a pleasure to perform, and I was also working on The Radetzky March, which I am sure will suit the show and delight people. I also refreshed some arrangements of my standard titles like Ballade pour Adeline, Childhood Memories, or Wedding of Love. Lately, I have been working on some new recordings which should be released on CD at the end of this year by November 2021. I went to the studio, and we were all wearing masks to avoid catching COVID.

Have you been experiencing something new during this past year?
Not really, but something new that I did experience is my cat. In fact, my wife and I were wishing to have a kitten and she was delivered to us last July. This is a ragdoll cat and we decided to call her Villanelle. This cat is now near me every time I play my piano. Sometimes she is even on the piano or on the keyboard or on my music stand. She is happy to live with my piano, so she is my best audience at the moment. Any time we come back to our apartment, she is there waiting for us at the door and she likes to sleep with us on our bed. 

How do you protect your health?
I always make sure that I wear a mask and I avoid being in places with lots of people or where there is a crowd, and I don’t go into supermarkets where there are too many people.

What is your opinion of COVID and the measures?
Well, it is necessary to protect oneself and I regret that sometimes people are not as careful as they should be. They don’t wear the mask as they should, they shake hands, they do not respect the distancing, they kiss each other when they greet each other and this is regrettable because the government sometimes has to impose stricter measures. Of course, on TV and the radio we can hear that some people are against the government when it decides on such a measure, some are in favour of the measures, others are not, people fight each other on TV shows… It’s quite interesting because people never agree. There are always those who are for and against the measures.

During the Autumn you will be performing in Zagreb. Do you plan to perform a concert in Slovenia?
At the moment, I have no plans to perform in Slovenia because it’s not easy to find a date in my planning as November is extremely busy, and to combine availability in my planning with availability in the halls in Slovenia means that it is not easy to plan a show. But it is always a pleasure for me to be back in this country and the more I can perform there, the happier I am.

Photo: personal collection

V tujini zvezdnik, doma mir

Tilen Hudrap o dvajseti obletnici na heavy metal sceni in neverjetni poti med največje svetovne glasbene zvezdnike

Eden tistih, ki bi lahko rekli, da je Slovenija oaza miru, je bržkone tudi Tilen Hudrap. Človek, za katerega je moč reči, da lahko živi dvoje življenj. V tujini je glasbenik, ki igra v največjih skupinah na svetovni sceni, doma pa najde mir, ki bi mu ga večina glasbenih kolegov svetovnega slovesa vsekakor zavidala.
Kdo je pravzaprav Tilen Hudrap, Korošec, ki v tujini nastopa na velikih koncertih pred več deset tisoč obiskovalci? In zakaj doma o njem vemo pravzaprav malo, čeprav je uresničil sanje verjetno slehernega glasbenika o slavi tudi v tujini in postal eden od zvezdnikov svetovne heavy metal scene? 

Igrate v kar nekaj skupinah, ki so znana imena na svetovni sceni. Pa vendar o vas doma vemo malo. Kako to? Na Wikipediji, denimo, ni niti vašega rojstnega podatka.Tako je. Pravzaprav so vse internacionalne skupine, v katerih sem igral (Pestilence, Testament, Vicious Rumors, Paradox, U.D.O) ne le znane, temveč legendarne v vseh pogledih. Moja trenutna skupina U.D.O deluje 36 let, pevec in vodja skupine Udo Dirkschneider pa je aktiven od leta 1968, prodal je preko 30 milijonov albumov. Nepredstavljive številke. V Sloveniji mojo kariero in pot pozna vsak, ki se resno ukvarja z glasbo in vsi poznavalci glasbe, res pa je, da se ne pojavljam na rumenih straneh in tračih. Tega nikoli nisem hotel in kljub temu, da srečam več dejanskih zvezdnikov kot vsi slovenski glasbeniki skupaj, tega tudi nočem. In da, kot ste omenili, svoje javno življenje sem večkrat zakril v tančico skrivnosti, v nekakšnem Devil Doll stilu, saj mi nikoli ni bilo do tega, da mainstream javnost trka na moja vrata na redni bazi.

Nekje sem zasledil, da je Hudrap vaše umetniško oziroma scensko ime. To drži?
Ne. Hudrap je moj priimek, na slovenskem območju se pojavlja preko 200 let. Originalno izhaja iz Francije, v Slovenijo so ga prinesli Napoleonovi vojaki v času Ilirskih provinc. Moji predniki po očetovi strani so se ustalili na Koroškem v tistem času, po mamini strani so na tem območju od nekdaj. Moj dom je Koroška, tam imam celotno družino.

Kako slovenski glasbenik postane član slovitih zasedb, kot so U.D.O in druge in nastopa v več kot 50 državah, na po 100 koncertih letno?
Z vzdržljivostjo, predanostjo, odrekanjem, vztrajnostjo, kljubovalnostjo in železno voljo. Metal je pravzaprav ekstremni šport. Recepta, kako, enostavno ni. Za to si rojen ali nisi in sestavine za recept enostavno poseduješ intuitivno ali pa jih ne. Vmesne poti ni. Ko in če odkriješ, da jih imaš, se ne smeš ustaviti pred nobeno oviro ali mnenji. Predvsem pred tistimi, ki ti hočejo dopovedati, da nekaj ni mogoče. Če bi se oziral na okolico in slovenske “nasvete”, bi še zdaj igral na Ravnah ali najdlje v Ljubljani. Na srečo sem vedno imel trdno voljo in še trdnejša prepričanja, nikoli se nisem podrejal nikomur ali dvomil v svoje sposobnosti. Pri dvanajstih letih sem rekel, da bom nekega dne nekje v tujini stal na odru z Iron Maiden. Precej nezaslišano, ko to izjavi otrok iz majhne vasice sredi Koroške v državi, v kateri niti en človek v zgodovini tega ni storil ali bil blizu temu. Sam v napoved nisem dvomil niti za sekundo in prav to prepričanje me je pripeljalo do pozicije, v kateri sem trenutno. Izključno to ter podpora družine in dolgoletne partnerice.

Letos boste obeležili okroglo obletnico, dvajset let na sceni. Ali pripravljate kaj posebnega v zvezi z njo?
Takoj je, obeležujem dvajset aktivnih let v metalu, sicer se z glasbo ukvarjam več kot 25 let. Z obširno ekipo pripravljam dva biografska projekta, enega v video obliki in enega v pisni. Oba sta v začetnih fazah. Zaradi vsem znane situacije z globalno pandemijo je povsem mogoče, da bosta izšla leta 2022, namesto letos, kot je bilo planirano v osnovi.

Ozirajoč se nazaj, kako ocenjujete prehojeno pot? Ste kdaj mislili, da bo takšna? So se vam uresničili vsi načrti, želje? Je kakšna ostala neizpolnjena? Bi, če bi začeli pot še enkrat, kaj naredili drugače?
Niti ene stvari ne bi naredil drugače, resnično. Prav vsak dogodek je imel in ima svoj namen. Prehojena pot je nerealna, a na srečo se je dejansko zgodila. Včasih se mi zdi, kot da pravzaprav živim v filmu. S Pestilence svetovno turnejo smo postavili veliko mejnikov, band je odigral najdaljšo turnejo v svoji 32-letni zgodovini, prvič smo nastopili v Gvatemali, Hondurasu, Kostariki, El Salvadorju, Peruju in Kolumbiji. Tudi v Evropi smo dodali mnogo držav, kjer Pestilence niso bili nikoli prej. Španija, Romunija, Škotska, Irska. Na letališčih v Srednji in Južni Ameriki nas je vsak dan pričakalo nekaj sto fenov, vsak dan so bile vrste fanov pred hoteli. Nepredstavljivi dogodki za nekoga iz Slovenije. Razmere in predvsem neverjetna predanost oboževalcev v teh državah je neprimerljiva s čimerkoli na tem planetu. Ponekod so čakali na bend, odkar ta obstaja, torej več kot trideset let. Ko igraš pred publiko, ki celo življenje čaka, da vidi skupino in ko odrasli ob čakanju na podpise dobesedno točijo solze sreče, so ti občutki zares posebni. Odre sem delil z vsemi največjimi skupinami na svetu, s skoraj vsemi ljudmi, ki sem jih imel na plakatih kot otrok imam prijateljske stike na redni bazi. Najsi so to skupine Uriah Heep, Smokie, Thin Lizzy ki jih je poslušal 45 let nazaj moj oče ali moji najzgodnejši vplivi na primer Destruction, Slayer, Kreator, Sepultura ali največje skupine vseh časov, kot sta Metallica in Guns’n’Roses. Lista je neskončna in predolga, da bi našteval vse. Tudi vse mednarodne skupine v katerih sem igral sem poslušal kot otrok. Uresničile so se mi vse želje, pomnoženo z deset. Skupno sem igral pred par milijoni ljudi od Sao Paula do Moskve, od Jamajke do Izraela, od New Yorka do Tenerifov in vse vmes. Ne le z eno skupino. Ko gledam nazaj je vse popolnoma nerealno, na to me vsakodnevno opominjajo fani s celega sveta, ko pošiljajo, predvsem zdaj v času korona krize, posnetke in fotografije z vseh preteklih svetovnih turnej. Najbolj ponosen sem predvsem na to, da sem vse našteto naredil izključno in samo s svojimi rokami, brez ene veze ali poznanstva. Niti v Sloveniji, kaj šele v tujini oziroma le s tistimi, ki sem jih ustvaril sam skozi dolga leta.

Zadnji album skupine U.D.O je v Nemčiji denimo v prvem tednu prehitel Lady Gaga, BillieEilish, Depeche Mode, Rammstein in AC/DC. Gre za enega največjih mednarodnih glasbenih dosežkov po Avseniku v zgodovini Slovenije. Zakaj se v slovenskih medijih ne poroča o takih stvareh pogosteje?
Dobro vprašanje, to bi pravzaprav jaz moral vprašati vas (smeh). Slovenski mediji poročajo o tem, kar prija generalnemu bralstvu, o tem, kar prinaša tistih par sto prodanih kopij, zaradi katerih preživijo. V mojem primeru o vseh večjih dogodkih redno poročajo prav vsi glasbeni mediji in portali. O zgoraj omenjenemu dejstvu bi morali poročati vsi, to je dejstvo. A mogoče sem malenkost kriv tudi sam, saj v Sloveniji nimam PRja oziroma se ne osredotočam na tukajšnjo sceno. Tiskani mainstream mediji so druga pesem, zato v tem primeru še toliko bolj cenim vašo samoiniciativnost, saj ste me kontaktirali sami in izključno zaradi mojih dosežkov in glasbenega delovanja po celem svetu, ne zaradi kakšnega škandala ali negativne stvari.  

Ta album je nastal v sodelovanju z nemško vojsko. Kako je prišlo do tega sodelovanja? Kako je videti združitev tako različnih glasbenikov? Vojaški orkester bržkone nima na repertoarju heavy metala, vi pa najbrž ne koračnic in podobno.
Producent našega zadnjega albuma je bil dolgoletni glasbenik v orkestru nemške vojske, v orkestru je igral več kot 30 let. Na idejo je prišel on ter jo predstavil nam  kot tudi dirigentu orkestra. Obojestransko navdušenje je rodilo plodne sadove, sodelovanje je bilo popolnoma naravno. Če je katera zvrst logično nadaljevanje klasične orkestralne glasbe, je to zagotovo metal, to bo potrdilo veliko število klasičnih glasbenikov, profesorjev, dirigentov. Zavrtite si Wagnerja in si predstavljajte distorzirane klasične instrumente. Album “We Are One” je bil prav zato izredno uspešen. Zajel je oba pola poslušalstva, hard rock/metal kot tudi klasično glasbo, oba žanra sta predvsem v Nemčiji globoko zasidrana v kulturo in dušo države.

V tujini nastopate na velikih koncertih, eden zadnjih je bil v Bolgariji. V Sloveniji vaša zvrst, torej metal ni razširjena kot denimo dalmatinska ali narodno zabavna glasba in podobno. Kakšna je pravzaprav heavy metal glasbena scena pri nas? Kako jo ocenjujete?
V Bolgariji smo nastopili v antičnem amfiteatru v Filipopolisu, mestu, ki ga je ustanovil oče Aleksandra Velikega, Filip. Neverjeten dan in atmosfera, koncert je bil posnet za DVD izdajo z več kot dvajsetimi kamerami. Slovenska scena je močna, a žal ne tako kot je bila na prelomu tisočletja pa do nekje leta 2010. To so bila zlata leta slovenske metal scene, brez dvoma. V teh letih smo na slovenskem imeli kar 6 poletnih metal festivalov, od teh se je na žalost obdržal le en. Prihodnost je, kot pri vsemu, odvisna od mladine. 

Domači glasbeniki, ne glede na zvrst, so že leto dni v nezavidljivem položaju. Tudi na svetovni sceni je korona zadala udarec. Kako se s situacijo soočate vi? Je v tujini morda vendarle kaj lažje?
Ne, popolnoma nič lažje ni, vsi imamo stoprocentni izpad dohodka kar se tiče turnej, ki so naše glavno preživetje oziroma glavni vir prihodkov. Čas posvečamo studijskim aktivnostim, v zadnjem letu smo posneli 3 albume. Na srečo imamo močno podporo založbe, nekaj, česar mlajše in predvsem manjše skupine zagotovo nimajo. Vsem želim le najboljše, ker dobro vem, kakšna je situacija med valovi, ko nisi na palubi.

V glasbi ste izkušeni, imate kilometrino, poznate stvari. Kot omenjeno, ste tudi kritični. Vas kdaj zamika pot v politiko? Da bi kaj spremenili, naredili drugače? Ste človek za to? Ali pa za vas velja enkrat glasbenik vedno glasbenik?
Ljudi spreminjam na dnevni bazi, po celem svetu. S svojo glasbo, ko sem na turnejah in z aktivnostjo/komuniciranjem s fani, ko nisem. Tega ne more narediti noben slovenski politik, le-ti se kvečjemu blamirajo. Ko se globalno govori o slovenskih politikih, se o njih govori skoraj izključno s posmehom. Politika mi je osebno nezanimiva predvsem zato, ker 90% “politikov” nima pojma o sami politiki, tudi preostalim desetim procentom se ne sanja kaj preveč o čem govorijo. Pred leti sem oboje preveril, deset samooklicanih politikov sem vprašal, če sploh vedo, od kje izhaja beseda “politika”. Nihče ni bral Aristotla, moje razočaranje je bilo pričakovano. Tudi sicer sta obe politični strani le dve krili istega orla in situacija je izredno žalostna. Več v tej smeri ne bi komentiral.

Pred izbruhom pandemije ste pretežni del leta zaradi nastopov in turnej bili v tujini. Živite tudi sicer tam? Ali je vaš stalni bivalni naslov v Sloveniji?
Odvisno od situacije. Večino časa živim nomadsko. Moja druga hiša so hotelske sobe in dvonadstropni turnejski avtobus, ki je pravzaprav spremenjen v hišo, kar mi izredno ugaja, ker se rad gibljem po celem svetu. Potovanja so ob glasbi tudi sicer moj najljubši hobi, oboje združujem ne redni bazi. Ko nisem na turnejah živim v Sloveniji, da, tu je moja družina, moja dolgoletna partnerka in vsi najbližji prijatelji.

Kakšen je odnos ljudi, sokrajanov v domačem mestu? Bi rekli, da se je zaradi vaše glasbene poti in uspehov spremenil?
To je zelo relativno vprašanje, moram reči, da je odnos vedno bil dober. Metal sem vedno destigmatiziral in ljudem poizkušal pokazati in dokazati, da stereotipi o “metalcih” niti pod točko razno ne držijo. Iz moje regije pa mi bližnji prijatelji sporočajo, da je ponos nad mojim nošenjem kovinske zastave Raven na Koroškem po celem svetu zastopan z več kot dobro mero, kar me vedno razveseli.

Kot eden najbolj prepoznavnih bas kitaristov v Evropi poznate tudi druge svetovno znane skupine, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep… Se kdaj primerjate s konkurenco? Kakšni so sicer ti bendi za odrom? Zvezdniškega obnašanja ali gre izza scene za običajne ljudi?
Večji kot je band, bolj legendaren kot je band, bolj je prizemljen in človeški. Ko se v zaodrjih po celem svetu srečujem z največjimi zvezdniki vseh časov kot so Metallica, Guns’n’Roses, Queen, Iron Maiden,…multimilijonarji, ki imajo za sabo ogromne ekipe, se počutim popolnoma domače. Nikoli ne dajejo občutka, da so nekaj drugega, kot to kar so: v prvi vrsti glasbeniki. Za Accept in U.D.O so kot predskupine igrali Motley Crue, Ratt, Bon Jovi in drugi, na turnejah so bili s Kiss, Motorhead, Saxon in vsemi ostalimi največjimi skupinami tistega časa. Na tem nivoju “konkurenca” ne obstaja, obstaja samo medsebojno spoštovanje. Verjemite mi, večkrat sem doživel neprijetne doživljaje ali poročila s strani kolegov o slovenskih kvazi zvezdnikih, ki igrajo na študentskih žurih in radijskih piknikih, kot s strani katerekoli  dejanske globalne rock zvezde.

Največji koncert, ki ste ga odigrali v življenju? In najljubši?
Največji koncert sem odigral v Montrealu v Kanadi pred 75000 ljudmi z Thrash titani Testament. Najljubši koncert? Pravzaprav vsak koncert v Južni Ameriki. Ko igraš v Argentini, Braziliji, Peruju, Kolumbiji, Čilu, se nikoli nočeš vrniti, vsak koncert na tem območju je neopisljiv.

Kakšen je Tilen Hudrap zasebno? Kaj počnete, s čim se ukvarjate, ko niste na odrih? Kaj vas navdušuje, veseli? Je kaj, kar bi radi počeli, pa zaradi pomanjkanja časa ne morete?
Tilen Hudrap zasebno je za bralca, ki pričakuje “sex, drugs and rock’n’roll” zgodbe precej dolgočasen (smeh). Veliko berem, pišem, veliko se ukvarjam z zgodovino, antropologijo, filozofijo, sociologijo, muzikologijo, jezikoslovjem. Arhiviram glasbo, delam na svoji liriki in prozi, ogromno snemam v svojem studiu. Na redni bazi poizkušam igrati čim več instrumentov, vsak dan se želim naučiti vsaj eno novo stvar.  Živim življenje, ki sem si ga vedno predstavljal, zato mi je dejansko vsak dan blagoslov. Čas? Rad bi imel več časa za počitek, ker sem hiperaktiven po naravi se moji možgani redko izklopijo, včasih zna biti opisano dejstvo precej naporno. Vsega pač ne moremo imeti, kajne?

Foto: osebni arhiv

Promoting Slovenia before even visited it

Talking about Mark Hamilton probably isn’t possible without saying that he is some kind of a special artist. Or at least different from many others. He is among those who decided to speak about Covid as global problem also in song. And he is no doubt also very interesting musician. Video of his new song contains capitol of Slovenia, Ljubljana. What is interesting is that in video there are photos of Ljubljana but Hamilton never visited it!
About his new project, plans, decision to include Ljubljana into video, his opinion he is or isn’t special artist and much more things he spoke in interview for

The music scene has existed for a while, how does this affect you? Did you have to be especially resourceful in order to succeed?
It certainly wasn’t easy creating music during lockdown, but modern technology meant that even though my friends and I couldn’t be together in the same room we could still make great music together. I wanted to create a different sound, which is where the electric violin came in. I wanted to make my music interesting and a bit different to catch people’s attention.

What are your interests aside from music?
A lot of my interests  are based around my family. I have young sons and I love to share my music with them, but I am also interested in what they want to explore and helping them grow and develop their own interests. I love to spend time with them and my wife, walking in the countryside with our dog, exploring new places and learning new things. Obviously, we haven’t been able to do that this last year. 

How does music affect your personal life and vice versa?
I started writing songs when I was a young teenager and I first learnt to play the guitar. Growing up can be tough, and song writing helped me through some difficult times in my teenage years. I grew up with music in my life, there was always music playing in our house. Music can change your mood, it can make you happy or sad; it can give you confirmation that you are not alone, that other people understand how you are feel. You can relate to it. When I write songs they reflect my mood, whether I am happy, sad or in love. At the moment I am writing a song about a friend of mine who died a few months ago. He was a big musical influence on me, and I want to pay tribute to him, his life and how much he is missed. It’s a song about happy memories.

Do you have any other hobbies that you love, that make you happy?
I love swimming, but sadly I haven’t been able to do much of that over the last year. It’s good for your body and mind, a good way to unwind.

Why did you choose Ljubljana? Where did the idea come from?
I was looking for certain types of images for the video. I had memories of places I had travelled as a child and although not Ljubljana, when I saw the footage, it triggered memories. The feel of the town was perfect, the stillness, the emptiness and the beauty. I was really struck by the beauty of Ljubljana and I thought, if I think this is beautiful, other people will as well and I need to share it with them. The music was part of the story, Ljubljana brought it to life. 

Why did you decide to make a cover instead of an original song?
I wanted to get a message out about how we have all been affected my Coronavirus, how that made us feel and how we needed to care about and look after each other. One More Light has the perfect lyrics for that. Because it was a well-known song, there was a better chance of people listening and spreading the message. I found my own mental health affected by the lockdown, and I knew other people were struggling as well. I had this idea about raising awareness of mental health issues and had the idea to do a series of cover songs by artists who had suffered from mental health problems. With the help of my friends, I created my own versions of these songs and hopefully did justice to them.

Have you ever been to Slovenia or Ljubljana?  Do you know Slovenia and Ljubljana? If so, how well?
Sadly no, I’ve never been to Slovenia, but since using it in my video, I’ve been reading about Ljubljana and looking at a lot of pictures. I really hope that I’ll be able to visit in the near future.

In making the music video, did you work with anyone from Slovenia?
I didn’t know anyone from Slovenia before I made the video, although I was working with people from a lot of different countries. Now of course I do know people in Slovenia, though we have not been able to meet in person yet I am hoping to work with them going forward.

Your musical pursuits are primarily dedicated to people facing mental distress. Is the fact that so few artists have a similar focus an obstacle or an advantage?
A number of well-known artists have struggled with their own mental health and some of them have spoken about their experience to try and raise awareness. My cover songs, that form my mental health awareness project, were all written or recorded my artists who suffered with mental illness that eventually played a part in their early deaths. I wanted to pay tribute to them but also bring my own personal experience to try to bring other people hope. I hope that personal experience is an advantage; it’s something I feel very strongly about, I want to encourage those who are suffering to seek help and those that are stronger to reach out and show understanding. 

Is it possible to succeed in today’s industry, especially considering the current situation, with such thematically uncommon music?
If the music is good, people will listen to it. I’ve tried to create a distinctive sound, with some great musicians, but there is a lot of competition. You have to get your music heard. Modern technology helps with that when you can’t go out and play live. My style of music won’t be to everyone’s taste, but obviously I hope people will listen to it and when I start to release my own original songs I hope they will like them just as much. The music industry is hard, you have to have talent, but you also need luck.

What has the response been like?
The response has amazed me, particularly in countries like Slovenia and Italy. I didn’t think when I started this music for mental health project it would travel around the world, I thought it might be heard by a few hundred people and that it might help them to feel less alone, to seek help if they were struggling with their mental health.

Do you feel as though it is necessary for an artist to stand out in order to achieve success in this time?
In today’s world, as an artist you are not just competing with other musicians in your own country, you are competing with artists from all around the world but at the same time you can reach many more people. When you are starting out in the music business, it can help to do something a bit different, but I believe it has to be real, genuine and consistent, otherwise people see through you and lose interest. 

Do you feel as though the audience you are targeting with this song is less common, perhaps even out of the ordinary, or is that merely a false perception and struggle of this sort is more common than we might imagine?
As I said before, you need some talent, you need some luck to be successful in the music business. But above all you need good music. Although my current project is about mental health, it’s also about good music and I hope that people will recognise that, even if they don’t particularly like it. When it comes to mental health I think we can all struggle at times depending on what is happening in our lives. I know in the UK 4 out of 5 people will struggle with their mental health at some point in their lives. We are all human, we all experience sadness and happiness and everything in between. But of course we are all unique, how our thoughts and feelings affect us, who we have around us who will understand and support us. I think perhaps we need each other more than we sometimes realise.

Are you the sort of person that, by character, wishes and feels the need to be unique, to stand out?
I’m quite a reserved person. I don’t feel I am unique. I’m just an ordinary man, trying to do something to help others and to bring people together, and the best way I know to do that is with music.

Photo: MH personal collection, BangTidy

Sea Adonis turned 60


Although he starred in many films he is and probably will forever be most remembered as sea Adonis, rising from the ocean waves in classic Blue lagoon. This movie was extremely popular when it came on film screen and made Christopher Atkins one of the most adored men on silver screen and in the world and became one of Hollywood’s classics.
Although it is hard or even impossible to believe it is 40 years since legendary movie was made. Christopher Atkins, unforgettable Richard, this week –believe or not- turned 60!
No matter to that he is still very charming and handsome man as he is remembered and some decades later his sex appeal is still there.
He celebrated his birthday with small party, according to Covid situation. He kindly gave an interview about his personal matter to and also some exclusive photos.
During this occasion, wishes him all the best and happy birthday.

What it means to you being 60 years old?
I never thought I’d make it past 27! 60 is kinda spooky to me because I don’t see myself as being 60. I’m still 5 sometimes lol. It’s an old number but I’m still on the hunt in life.

What condition are you in, how do you feel?
Dealing with years of intense sports wear and tear on my body but all good! I hit the gym nearly every day.

Do you have any special wishes, plans…?
The last box in the business I want to tic is making my own film. The films I have are all family uplifting films and the flavor at this time are those type of films. I signed with Eris Talent a literary agency who are pushing my projects.

How do you feel about the fact being still good looking man?
I’m single so thank you!

How do you stay in shape?
I have been going to the gym to keep the locked up joints working and stay active. There are positive sides to A.D.D lol.

How it was on the birthday party?
It was the best birthday party ever! Nadia and Stoyan Gueorguiev are from Bulgaria and opened a new coffee shop where they fresh roast coffee. Wake-Cup-Coffee in Fairfield CT. They opened right when Covid hit. I shared that I shot a film in Bulgaria and loved it! They are a fantastic family run business (their kids help out) and it is only top quality in décor and food. I like to help the community when I can and promote through great people like you during this time of struggle. The Connecticut State Senator, Tony Hwang was there and gave an uplifting speech about community and honoring my birthday.

Do you have any regrets because of Covid and situation? I believe birthday party would be different without Covid situation.
Herd immunity is near and things will level off. All the people I know who had it were fine thank goodness and did not have a difficult time other than feeling bad. We were only allowed a certain number and everyone was Covid safe with masks. I took mine of for some pictures when no one was near. It would have been a big bash with press but Covid killed that.

Looking back would you (if it would be possible) do something different as you did? Some different decisions etc? Would you repeat some things etc?
Nope! Nadia of Wake-Cup-Coffee threw the most incredible party I could have ever dreamed of! Too bad more could not have been there!

Photo: CA personal collection

Handsome legendary Hollywood star beat the Covid two times

Classic Blue lagoon movie and Dallas tv series star Christopher Atkins says that Covid changed his life the same or similar way as it changed life of millions of  other people. He is very energetic man, with many interests, always doing something, traveling a lot and living no doubt full life. Actor, director and in fact so called multi talent man is always busy and doesn’t know the meaning of boredom. Now Covid partly changed his life too. But Atkins didn’t want to let it changes his life completely.
Still charming and handsome star was lucky. He didn’t get virus, but he faced it closely. He was in quarantine not just once, but twice and despite of that he is healthy. How it was, what were his feelings, fears, experience etc he spoke about in interview for

How exactly happened that you came into danger because of Covid?
The virus is everywhere here. Seems everyone I’m close with has had it. Nothing terrible has happened to any of them thank goodness. Just flu like symptoms and loos of taste and smell. I don’t know why I haven’t gotten it yet. Maybe it’s the CoQ10 I take (lol). I had to quarantine for 14 days at my son’s place after their babysitter came down with it two days after she was at the house and I was exposed to her. I got back to Connecticut and saw a buddy at the coffee shop and we talked a bit then I left. Two days later he texts me he has the virus. So I’ve been quarantined again. I’m fine. Didn’t get it.

Were you and family on tests?
We take a test after about 10 days of quarantine. All negative. I also test before I see my mother who is in her 80’s. She is now lined up for the vaccination.

You say you and family are in quarantine. Did you decide to go yourself or it was official decision from doctors?
The quarantine is what is recommended by the government. Unless there are serious complications the doctor will only tell you to stay at home and quarantine.

What happened with the nanny? If I understand correctly, virus came through her?
The sitter is in her 20’s. She lost her taste and smell, was run down lethargic, had no fever. Bounced back quick. No problems.

How long you’ll be in quarantine?
I’m out now. They say 5 days after exposure is when you would get symptoms but could go to 14. I’ve done both now.

How are you feeling? What are you doing? What is your day like? Do you have contacts with outside world?
I’m feeling fine! I get out and hike. I can’t handle being inside. I just stay away from people. Now that I’m not sick I’m headed back to the gym and can be around people.

What is your opinion about Covid in America? Is this big problem? What is people behavior generally?
There is tremendous fear that has been instilled in America. The statistics don’t warrant the fear. All the people I know who have had it have had no problems. There is a virus and there are issues for the elderly and people with underlying conditions. People here have been devastated by the lockdowns and panic. It’s very, very sad to see.

Will you get or have already got anti Covid vaccine?
No. There is too much weirdness about this that doesn’t quite add up to me and seeing my friends get it and get over it I’m going to wait.

Do you wear mask, clean and wash hands etc with disinfectant?
Yes. I follow all the protocols. There is that old saying, safe than sorry.

What this experience generally means to you? Did you get any new knowledge, views…? What is your biggest fear in connection to Covid?
The experience is like living in a sci fi movie. My biggest fears are there are more questions than answers. It’s a very strange time we are living right now.

Photo: personal collection

The sexiest magician has the DNA of Houdini

One of the best magicians on the world and by the opinion of many fans also the sexiest one Andrew Basso has a big reason to be glad, excited and happy. His longlasting wish finnaly came through. From now on he is the proud owner of the shirt which once belonged to another great illusionist, Harry Houdini. He bought it in web auction and on the basic of DNK test it is 100% Houdini’s original.

How did you find about auction?
A friend of mine, John Cox, in my opinion the most knowledgeable Houdini’s historian, posted something on his blog and I started jumping of enthusiasm. That auction had what I’ve been looking for years! 

Why did you decide to join it?
To own something that Houdini not only touched, but actually was wearing , always fascinated me. But in the auctions you mostly find signed photographs, posters and if you are lucky, you may find a lock or a pair of handcuffs that Houdini used. Those are fantastic and pricy items to have in your collection but for me, something he was wearing, was the dream of a lifetime.

Was competition hard?
It happened during quarantine and so on a online auction. I was sweating, my heart was racing and I was terrified that someone could have made a bigger offer. But I got very lucky. The timing of making the right offers at the right moment just before it ended worked out to my advantage. I’ve lost a kilogram in those few minutes of tension.

What it means to you?
Houdini inspired so many people not only when he was alive but even more after his death in 1926. The incredible story of as self made man, who made it from poverty to stardom believing in his dream became the same journey for me as young boy, coming from a little town in northern Italy and with a big dream to become a magician. From visiting his burial site in New York to theatres where he performed, I always wanted to get close to any place where he breathed the same air. A way to feel his presence even closer. And this shirt collar is something deeply symbolical that connects me to Houdini.

What are you planning to do with the shirt? Will you wear it? Give into some museum etc? Will it be able at least for some people to see it in real? Or will you put it in some your private collection?
In this moment the piece is framed and above my bedroom. I love to wake up and see it and when I go to sleep is a reminder of how far we can go if we believe in our dreams. But not for long, soon it will be sent out to a Washington DC laboratory. The next step is to extract Houdini’s DNA. After that accomplishment, I will be happy to have it on display in a public museum.

Do you also have something else of Houdini in your ownership?
Yes. Years ago I was able to get a piece of the glass of his water torture cell. His most famous escape device where Houdini was lowered upside down into water, unfortunately in 1995 it was almost completely destroyed during a fire tragedy in the Houdini museum in Niagara Falls. Later the cell was purchased and restored by the greatest illusionists , David Copperfield. But some of the pieces of the destroyed cell were saved and I was lucky to get one. Now the small piece is part of a special ring I had made, but don’t tell my fiancee!

Do you collect material about Houdini (films, books, documentaries, magazines…)?
I do not consider myself a collector. I love everything about Houdini, I have goosebumps when I hear his name but in order for me to actually buy something it needs to have a soul, a vibration, a story. This piece I got represents for me the number one item existing in the Houdini’s collectibles.

Did you ever have idea or plan to find and contact and meet someone from Houdini’s family?
Oh yes! Thanks to Facebook I am in contact with relatives of the Houdini’s family and as soon we will be able to travel safely again, I hope we will meet to celebrate this achievement together. I’m proud to guard this unique piece of Houdini’s history.

Did you ever have wish or plan to make film about him? Would you play in main role?
To play his role in a movie would be a great honor for me. I better start learning the Hungarian accent ! Any Hungarian reading this ?

I believe you watched different films about Houdini. Which one you liked the most and why? Who is your favorite actor who played Houdini?
Tony Curtis in the 1953 movie is still my favorite, probably because is the first movie I’ve seen about Houdini after reading so many books about. 

Several days ago you walked shirtless, just in underwear in snow in New York park. Is this some sort of advertise, joke, special regards to your fans, new year’s wishes?
I was training in the cold and I wanted to share the moment with my fans. For 2021 I want to bring my fans more behind the scenes to show what it takes to be an escape artist.

Do you do such or similar things often? And if yes, why? Is this some kind and way for better health, resistance etc?
I do it for several reasons. First I like to challenge myself. I ask myself, can I do it? Let’s see. Once. a day I do a thing that scares me,I feel more alive doing so. Also, embracing different techniques, like extreme cold exposure along with breathing techniques and meditation is to strenghten the body and the mind.

The most dangerous thing you have done outside magic?
Trying to steal the last piece of my mum’s Apfelstrudel. Haha!

Did you ever swim during winter and snow in some lake, river?
You see already where I’m going next. Are you a magician too?

Are dangerous things and extremes in life (off the magic) your passion, challenge…?
I do have a fascination for fear. For me is one of the most curious and intriguing aspects of the human mind. How much control can fear have on our lives?  I like to test myself to understand the psychology behind the mechanisms of  fear and then I learn how to manage it. I need this to face my dangerous stunts but it became useful also in my everyday life, especially during these challenging times, to control anxiety and the feeling  of uncertainty towards the future.

Do you have any special Christmas or New Year wish?
I wish everyone, after all this challenging time we went thru, to be able to come back to our lives stronger than ever. Due to Covid I have not been on stage since February of last year and performing and making people happy is my mission. I miss it so much. Next time I will walk on stage it will be with a roar!

How you celebrated and where you were for Christmas and New Year?
I was with my fiancee’ Amanda and her family here in New York, I’m grateful this year I’ve been able to spend time with the people I love.

Are you planning something special, unusual… etc for 2021?
I’m preparing the new show, “ANDREW BASSO, Dead On Stage”. As soon vaccine will reach  people, crowds will be so hungry to go back to live events, concerts, theatre, sporting events and I need to be ready to give them the goosebumps, the excitement and the amazement they’ve been waiting for. The same feelings I’ve been looking for, in every day of my life.

Follow Andrew Basso on Facebook and Instagram @andrewbassoofficial

Photos: personal collection

Ostal zaradi občinstva

V slovensko prestolnico te dni, natančneje v torek, 18. junija, prvič doslej prihaja sloviti Tom Jones. To zagotovo preseneča, saj njegova pevska kariera traja že reci in piši kar šestdeset let! Sir Thomas John Woodward, kot je sicer njegovo pravo ime, dopolnjeno s plemiškim nazivom, ki mu ga je podelila angleška kraljica, je eno od legendarnih imen svetovne glasbene scene, saj ni veliko glasbenikov, ki bi bili na odrih tako dolgo in ki bi imeli tako pisano ter bogato kariero. Čeprav je bil v minulih desetletjih priljubljen tudi v nekdanji Jugoslaviji in v Sloveniji, k nam prvič prihaja šele sedaj.

Popoln, robustni bariton, kot označujejo njegov razpoznavni in legendarni glas, se je na sceni pojavil leta 1963, kot solist skupine Tommy Scott and Senators. Ime so si začeli ustvarjati z nastopi po lokalih in na prireditvah ter v plesnih dvoranah v domačem Pontypriddu v Wallesu, vendar brez večjega uspeha, o katerem so sanjali. Na nekem nastopu jih je opazil londonski menedžer Gordon Mills, ki je postal Jonesov menedžer in  ga odpeljal v London. Mills je bil tudi tisti, ki ga je preimenoval v Toma Jonesa. Zanj je uredil pogodbo z založbo Decca records, za katero je Jones leta 1964 posnel prvi singel Chills and fever. Skladba nekega posebnega odmevnega uspeha ni imela, zato pa ga je doživela naslednja, It’s not unusual. Postala je celo mednarodni hit in Jonesu odprla vrata v dolgoletno uspešno kariero. Naslednje leto je posnel nekatere skladbe, ki so evergreeni in del njegovega železnega repertoarja, What’s new pussycat, naslovno skladbo filma o Jamesu Bondu Thunderball in druge. Presenetljivo pa je kljub tem uspehom leta 1966 njegova priljubljenost nenadoma upadla, čeprav je prejel nagrado Grammy za najboljšega novega umetnika tistega leta. Mills se je zato odločil preoblikovati pevčevo podobo, obenem pa je Jones začel prepevati tudi skladbe, namenjene širšemu občinstvu in med katere kot tipična sodi tudi njegova velika uspešnica Green, green grass of home. Sprememba se je pokazala za učinkovito, saj se je vrnil na lestvice v Angliji in Ameriki. Do konca šestdesetih je posnel še nekatere svoje zimzelene skladbe, I’ll never fall in love again, I’m coming home in Delilah.

Televizija in Las Vegas

Za mednarodni in tudi siceršnji uspeh Toma Jonesa so v veliki meri zaslužni tudi televizija in koncerti v Las Vegasu. V igralniški meki sveta je prvič nastopil leta 1967 in prav v tem času se je njegova podoba na odru spet začela spreminjati. Del njegove scenske garderobe so postale odprte, na pol raztrgane srajce in tesne hlače, okrog vratu pa verižica z velikim križem. Las Vegaško obdobje je bilo tako uspešno, da je zaradi donosnih nastopov za nekaj časa celo manj snemal. Prav tako so tamkajšnje predstave povzročile tudi evforijo, spričo katere so mu ženske na oder metale nedrčke in celo ključe hotelskih sob.

Podobna zgodba o uspehu so tudi njegova televizijska gostovanja. Od leta 1969 do 1971 je imel svojo redno oddajo This is Tom Jones, s katero je po podatkih zaslužil v današnje dolarje preračunano skoraj 66 milijonov! Posledično priljubljenosti in gledanosti šova je bil že v prvem letu predvajanja nominiran celo za najboljšega igralca za nagrado Golden globe. Približno desetletje kasneje je imel drugo tv oddajo s 24 epizodami, imenovano Tom Jones. Obe televizijski oddaji sta bili kasneje predmet spora s prvotnim imetnikom licence zaradi neplačanih licenc. Pred dvanajstimi leti pa sta tožbo zoper prvotnega imetnika licence sprožila tudi Jones in podjetje Tom Jones Enterprises z zahtevo za preprečitev licenciranja zvočnih posnetkov iz šova Tom Jones. Leta 1970 je Jones gostoval tudi v tv oddaji Raquel, katere zvezda je bila filmska zvezdnica Raquel Welch.

Jones se je nekaj malega poskusil tudi kot igralec. Sredi sedemdesetih let je dobil vlogo morilca CIE v filmu Yockowald, vendar filma niso posneli. Nekaj let kasneje je zaigral v s Tanyo Roberts in Davidom Hasselhoffom tv filmu Pleasere Cove, a je bil film zgolj neuspešni pilot za potencialno tv serijo. Kot gost je nastopil še v epizodi serije Fantasy Island v začetku osemdesetih, nato pa v začetku devetdesetih še kot gost v kultnih serijah The fresh prince in The Simpsons.

Zamenjava menedžerja in glasbeni šov talentov

V zgodnjih osemdesetih je Jones začel snemati tudi country skladbe, vendar posebej opaznega uspeha v tem stilu ni dosegel. Velika prelomnica v njegovi karieri je bilo leto 1986. Zaradi raka je umrl menedžer Mills in njegovo vlogo je prevzel Jonesov edinec Mark. Kasneje se jim je priključila tudi Jonesova snaha in od takrat dalje za menedžment skrbi družinska ekipa. V eni od Jonesovih biografij je v poglavju o njegovem odkritelju in menedžerju tudi precejšen del o tem, kakšen neprimeren odnos naj bi zvezdnik po Millsovi smrti imel do njegove vdove in družine.

Mark je korenito spremenil očetov imidž in pevca približal tudi mlajšim generacijam, kar je bilo nadvse pomembno. Zvezdnikova pretežna publika se je namreč starala in računati je bilo treba začeti tudi na mlajše in temu primerno vpeljati nekatere stvari. Jones se je odločil po sinovih načrtih posneti skladbe po okusu mlajših poslušalcev, med katerimi velja predvsem izpostaviti sicer skladbo Princa Kiss, ki jo je Jones posnel na novo v svoji izvedbi. Zanjo je posnel tudi videospot, ki je osvojil MTV Video Music Award za leto 1989.

Pred sedmimi leti so pevca povabili tudi v šov The Voice UK, v katerem je bil naslednja tri leta. V četrtem letu trajanja šova je prišlo do spora. Pogodba z Jonesom ni bila podaljšana in zamenjal naj bi ga Boy George. Jones je ostro kritiziral vodstvo BBC TV zaradi podstandardnega obnašanja, saj se o tem sploh niso posvetovali z njim in so ga celo obvestili šele zgolj 24 ur pred uradno objavo odločitve.

Poročen enkrat, nešteto afer

Svojevrstno poglavje v zvezdnikovem življenju je bilo tudi njegovo osebno življenje. 59 let je bil poročen s šolsko ljubeznijo Lindo, od leta 1957 do 2016, ko je preminila zaradi raka. Zakonca sta imela sina edinca Marka. Njun zakon je kljub pevčevi legendarni nezvestobi trajal vse do ženine smrti, čeprav naj bi se zvezdnik celo sam pobahal, da je na višku slave imel tudi do 250 ljubezenskih afer na leto. Zakonca sta vrsto let živela tudi vsak na svoji strani Atlantika, Jones v Ameriki, žena pa v domačem Wallesu. Linda se sicer tudi nikoli ni javno izpostavljala, nikoli ni marala publicitete, redko se je pojavila tudi na njegovih koncertih, prav tako njene bodisi javne, bodisi zasebne fotografije s slavnim možem so bolj kot ne redke. Moževo nezvestobo je nekako tolerirala, nekoč pa ji je prekipelo in ga je po objavi v nekem časopisu o njegovih skokih čez plot bojda tudi fizično napadla. Med Jonesovimi aferami z znanimi ženskami je najbolj odmevna bila nedvomno afera z nekdanjo Miss sveta Marjorie Wallace, ki jo še danes pogosto omenjajo.

Ena od afer je znova aktualna in vroča bila tudi pred kratkim. Leta 1987 je zvezdnik imel kratko afero z manekenko Katherine Berkery, ki je zanosila in rodila Jonesovega nezakonskega sina. Po hudi sodni bitki, ki je vključevala tudi test DNK, ker je zvezdnik zavračal priznanje očetovstva, je ameriško sodišče leta 1989 Jonesa spoznalo za očeta. Zvezdnik je kljub temu zanikal celo sodno sodbo vse do leta 2008, ko je končno vendarle priznal očetovstvo. Vendar s sinom Jonathanom Berkeryjem nimata nobenih stikov, kot javno trdi slednji, jih odklanja oče, s katerim se še nikoli v življenju ni srečal, prav tako pa nima nobenih stikov z očetovo siceršnjo družino.

Ob smrti žene se je Jones umaknil z odrov in odpovedal vse koncerte, razmišljal pa je tudi o slovesu od petja, a se je, kot je bilo poročano, k petju vrnil zaradi publike.

Legendarni zvezdnik bo, kot omenjeno, v sklopu svetovne turneje v Sloveniji prvič doslej v svoji karieri nastopil 18. junija v ljubljanskih Stožicah.

Foto: Tom Jones management

Luna uživala v resnični pravljici

Televizijska mega zvezdnica Karol Sevilla je na začetku tretje sezone svetovno priljubljene nadaljevanke Jaz sem Luna za nekaj dni odšla na počitnice. V prostem času sicer zelo rada tudi spi, tokrat pa ni počitnikovala sanjajoč v spanju, ampak se je podala v resnično pravljico. Obiskala je pariški Disneyland.
Nadvse navdušil jo je, ker je v resnici pravljičen in človek dobesedno vstopi v svet pravljic. Kot bi vstopil v katero od mnogih Disneyevih risank…
Tudi Karol je bila navdušena nad največjo in najbolj slavno deželo pravljic na svetu. Med obiskom se je zelo zabavala, med drugim si je izposodila tudi del videza najslavnejše miške na svetu poleg Mickeya, legendarne Minnie.

Srečala se je z nekaterimi od legendarnih Disneyevih likov, denimo s kraljično in piratom. »To je zame kot sanje, izpolnila sem si otroške želje. Vsak otrok sanja, da bi kdaj v živo doživel pravljice. Imamo se super in uživamo,« pravi navdušeno. Za pirata pravi, da je bil v resnici prijazen. »Če bi se morala odločiti med princesami in pirati, bi se 100 odstotno za pirate!« se navdušeno smeji. In uspela mu je vzeti celo njegov legendarni meč.
Popeljala se je tudi z vlakcem smrti. Nad izkušnjo je ostala brez besed, vse pa pove njen smeh in gesta rok.

Photo: Disney